This Book’s Written Especially For Football Fans Of Any Level

One of the most fun books I’ve read in a while answers with finality the question all football fans want to know – Which Football Team is the Greatest One of All Time?

That question is answered definitively in Damalis Bryant’s book, “NFL’s All-Time Dream Showdown: Fantasy Matchups & Realistic Results.” I won’t spoil the book for you by revealing the ending but will say that the author does a fantastic job selecting great players, coaches and teams and creating lively and fascinating fantasy encounters of the greatest of the great.

Bryant, a young soldier with a combat stint in Afghanistan, selected the 13 best NFL teams of all time, and pits them against each other in fantasy playoff games resulting in the greatest Super Bowl of All Times.Each section describes the key plays, runs and lead changes in contests among 13 of the best single season NFL teams.

A former sports writer in Virginia before beginning his military career, Bryant has the professional skills and knowledge to pull off what he attempts as author – to narrate fantasy contests based on real styles, talent depths, and strategies.

While serving in Mannheim, Germany, Army Specialist Bryant wrote drafts of an NBA fantasy book and a heavyweight boxing fantasy book and completed the NFL fantasy book during his off-duty hours in Afghanistan.

I enjoyed this book immensely, from the early introduction of Hall of Fame greats to the final whistle when the Super Bowl Champ of All Time is revealed. And I won’t argue with the author’s choice! Anyone with any interest in football also will enjoy this wonderful book.