Tennis Fitness – Exercises to Increase the Power of Your Serve Part III: The Bulgarian Split Squat

In tennis you’re often playing off of one leg the majority of the time. This takes incredible balance, strength, & coordination. To improve these aspects of your game, training one leg at a time will allow you to produce power even in
the most awkward “off-balance” positions. In most cases you’ll appear off-balance to the spectator, but little do they know,
you’ll be in complete and total control.

Progression #3: The Bulgarian Split Squat

1) Stand with feet shoulder width apart

2) Place left leg behind you on a stable surface that is approximately 1-2 feet off the ground

3) Place right leg 2.5-3.5 feet in front of the back foot

4) Bend front knee and lower your hips toward the ground while ensuring that they are directly centered

5) Return to the starting position




This is a more advanced movement. If You’re having trouble maintaining balance, Move next to a wall and support yourself
By placing your inside arm on the wall.




Once this exercise becomes easy and your balance and stability is not challenged, add dumbbells to each hand to increase the




After increasing the weight becomes easy, increase the difficulty by using a swiss ball. Here, instead of using a stable surface for your back leg, place your foot on the ball
and perform the exercise. To further increase the intensity and difficulty add weight plus the swiss ball for a real challenge.

To learn more log on to ‘Til Next Time, Train Hard & Win Easy!