Soccer Cleats Maintenance Tips

It really feels great to have clean, shining soccer cleats while entering into the arena- it boosts our confidence in some discreet manner. But when you’re required to master the sport with lots of practice, on obviously dusty and marshy fields, their cleanliness is hard to perceive. So, you’ll have to be a good boy and start caring for your equipments. Regular cleaning of soccer cleats is very important if you want to ‘keep them happy’ and not degrade sooner.

Now, before you get overly enthusiastic and overwhelmed and go for slamming them straight into a washing machine or a dishwasher or tortures of any sort, read what I have to say for a few minutes. Here, we’ll be discussing tips to clean soccer cleats when they get very dirty. You may clean them in two ways- manually or by using a washing machine.

1. Cleaning Manually

For this method, you’ll require

* A piece of cloth (towel-like texture preferred)

* A boot brush for rubbing flat ends

* A toothbrush for thin crevices

* A vessel full of lukewarm water.

* Washing Powder or Liquid

1. To begin cleaning, first stuff the hollow of the shoes with a newspaper ball to prevent any water seepage into the inner shoe and to make cleaning easier.

2. Unlace the shoes and keep the laces separate for later cleaning.

3. Begin by scrubbing the ‘upper’ and the heel. They are the easiest to clean and form the most of the exposed surface of these soccer cleats. Dip the cloth into the water and simply remove the excess dirt on them.

4. For cleaning the flynet, take some washing powder on the cloth, drench the cloth again and start scrubbing. Little specks of dirt must be removed.

5. There’s naturally a lot of mud accumulated around studs at the outsole. You may use a boot brush to clean this area. If some dirt still remains at little corners, don’t hesitate in using a toothbrush for cleaning that.

6. The region where the outsole meets the upper and heel must be cleaned with a toothbrush.

7. To clean the sock liner, take it out from the inside and the using washing powder, scrub the area. For the laces, dip them into the vessel and rub them therein. The little specks of dirt they may contain must be effaced off.

You are not required to be very gentle, but that doesn’t give you the freedom to treat your soccer cleats savagely.

2. Cleaning in a washing machine

Alright! You may use the washing machine and save yourself from the labor. But for that, you’ll have to keep certain things in mind. First of all, separate the laces and the sock liner from the soccer cleats. Make sure that you’ve placed enough towels or some heavy cloth around them so they do not mess with the walls of the washing machine. Set the temperature to around 30 degree centigrade and go for extra rinse. With all this ensured, you are good to go.