Retro Gaming Discussion – Zombies Ate My Neighbors

Adventure games will always interest me, because you always felt like you were actually there when you were a kid. This game called Zombies Ate My Neighbors therefore interested me when I saw a friend of mine playing it at her house. I played it for a bit, and I liked what I saw. I showed it to my brother, and the rest was history.

In this game, you are in control of an unnamed sibling team (at least my brother and I thought there were siblings). They both play exactly the same way, actually. You go around in a surrealistic world with weapons such as waterguns, soda cans, fire extinguishers, among many others, killing a whole assortment of undead badguys like zombies (of course), chainsaw maniacs in Jason masks, giant ants, giant babies, among many other creatures of the night. The game has a total of fifty five levels you have to go through, all of which increase in difficulty as you move on.

The game also sports some very light puzzle solving, as you’ll have to go around and collect keys to open the right doors. You will also need to save all kinds of people before moving onto the next level, and in the later levels if people are killed, the game will be over. Saving all the people means you go into a conveniently placed exit that pops up, once again giving you that surreal feel to the whole thing.

The music is actually pretty decent in this game. If you stare at the title screen long enough, it can actually hypnotize you. If the music doesn’t do so there, the swirling target in the background will. Of course you have your spooky tracks in this game. I like the music in levels four and eight. The sound effects do their job, and the graphics are pretty cool too.

Overall, I think you should check out Zombies Ate My Neighbors. You’ll need to be prepared to play for a while if you want to see all fifty five levels, however. The game can get monotonous and boring after a while, as it doesn’t do much to keep you into it. But still, it is a game worthy for your arsenal.