NFL Car Flags and Car Magnets Pepper The Field In a Reminiscent Ritual of Support

A heavy sprinkle of NFL car flags, banners and bumper stickers can be seen around the parking lots of any NFL stadium. Indianapolis Colts, and New Orleans fans alike revel in the spirit of competition at the heart of every NFL battle. Whether you’re at the tailgate party, local sports bar, or right in your own living room. Watching an NFL games isn’t a passive affair; it’s an interactive event. The loyal NFL fan doesn’t simply watch the game; they live it.

At home or on the road, the signs of fans ready for action are easy to spot. A 20-foot Indianapolis Colts pickup truck flag pole here, an Atlanta Falcons car flag there, and it’s plain to see NFL fans do not plan to peacefully sit and watch the game, as it were a daytime soap.

Could the loyal NFL fan be carrying out what may be the remnants of distant rituals, habits, or even instincts? Are modern team colors the equivalent of war paint? Could our magnetic bumper stickers, shatter balls, and car flags be an expression of our urge to decorate the war chariot as we head for battle? Perhaps, but the one things that’s clear, is that if you’re going out to cheer for your favorite team, you better do it in style.

Few fans are as loyal or vocal as NFL fans. NFL football is widely considered the most popular sport in America. In fact, the NFL has the highest paid-attendance record of any professional sports league in the world. If you didn’t already know, NFL games area serious business. Arm yourself with the gear you need to show what team you’re on. Your ancestors just might be cheering along with you from their big stadium in the sky.