No Limits! When Caleb was born with Down syndrome 15 years ago, we decided to raise him like a neuro-typical child as much as possible, which meant trying new sports and activities too.
We never dreamed he’d become a triathlete, but here we are.
Just about two years ago, we enrolled him in a bike camp.

It took a lot of work, sweat and more work, but he became an independent bike-rider! We were thrilled, but then we challenged him to complete the Couch-to-5K running program offered through our regional Special Olympics.
Again, it was a lot of work, and more sweat, but he completed his first 5K race in the fall of 2020. Then something big happened. Special Olympics opened up their Triathlon program to the entire state of Florida. We decided to “give it a tri”. That’s when the real work began!

Since January 2021, Caleb has been training hard 6 days a week. Swimming, biking, running, lifting weights, rowing…working to pursue his goal of finishing a full-sprint triathlon; 400-meter swim/10.5 mile bike/5K run.
In July 2021, that dream came true, and Caleb became the youngest person with Down syndrome (at age 14) to complete a full-sprint tri. Since then, he’s gone on to complete 6 more, and has his eyes set on an Olympic Distance tri in the coming year.

He competed at the Special Olympics USA Games and will be competing later this summer at the USA Triathlon Youth & Junior Nationals, along with Age Group Nationals. Caleb is also the youngest ambassador for the USA Triathlon Foundation – his platform is to encourage youth of ALL abilities to pursue fitness and healthy living goals (and try triathlon!)

We are so very proud of Caleb. Not only has he proved time and time again his commitment to this sport, but we love the fact that he’s a role model for other young people. People with Down syndrome, or any differing ability, can surely live a healthy lifestyle. Exercise, eating right and having a positive attitude can help not only physically, but mentally and emotionally too.
Caleb has a bright future ahead of him and we are ready to support him in all his dreams and goals. The sky’s the limit! Follow his journey on his social media: Calebs Crew (FB/IG)