Get a Rocket Arm – Strength Training For Baseball Pitchers!

Explosive strength training for pitchers is a MUST if you want to be competitive in today’s game of baseball. Steroids are out the door and smart strength training is in! If you are a pitcher then you have to not only work on your breaking ball and fast ball, but you have got to improve on these by improving your throwing power. I have included a single exercise here to drastically improve your strength training workouts and your pitching power. Read on if I have your attention.

Kettlebell Snatches For Pitching Power!

If you are a baseball pitcher then you have got to strengthen your body from head to toe and there is no better way to do this than by making your core stronger, shoulders more powerful, and your hips more explosive. After all, you do pitch with more than just your arm, right? Kettlebell snatches are just the strength exercise you need to get you to where you are wanting to go my friend.

By now you may have heard of the ancient strength and conditioning device known as the kettlebell. This tool of body construction has a mean and hugely respectful reputation for forging out athletic bodies. One of the most dynamic lifts that you can perform with this ancient device are snatches. This basically involves you having to pull the kettlebell from either the ground or from between your legs up to above your head in one smooth motion. This is done by you having to forcefully flex and then extend at both your hips and knees to generate the vertical momentum you need to get the bell swinging in an arc from between your legs up to a high pull position just lateral to your head.

In order to get the bell to the “high pull” position imagine swinging the bell and mimicking the motion of “pulling back on a bow.” Once the bell is at the “high pull” position you will notice that it kind of “floats” or is at a point of “zero gravity” for a split second at this point. Once the bell reaches this point of “zero gravity” then you will want to vertically punch your palm towards the sky in order to complete the lift. This is pitching strength training at it’s best my friend.

If you haven’t already started to implement the use of kettlebell snatches into your pitching strength and conditioning workouts then you are allowing your competitors to get an edge on you. You don’t want that! If you want to learn more feel free to access the rest of my articles on the subject. Remember that most anyone can train hard, but only the champions train smart!